Escaleto UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) Apps

Cars Coloring Book for Kids 1.1.0
This is an awesome coloring book for children with carsandvehicles! Your kids will love this game. Learn how to paint,drawand color all the different vehicles in this gamefortoddlers:- Cars / Automobile- Train- Airplane / Plane- Boat / Ship / Yacht- Helicopter / Heli- School Bus- Monster Truck / TractorColor, color, color cars! The coloring book is a greateducationalexercise for toddlers, smaller children, kids and evenbabies –every baby can try and learn to color on the parents phoneortablet! It doesn’t matter the age, this is fun for thewholefamily, including mom, dad, brother, sister, granny andgranddad.Try it with your pet, too – LOL! Everyone likes thegameThe coloring book works like a worksheet for kids withdifferentpages: choose the images and pictures that you like bestand startpainting. Everyone can become Picasso and make a greatcarrera as apainter or artist! And it’s free! Yes, gratis educationfor you!Put on your painting gear and paint those hot wheels! Kids,boysand girls - paint the street and the traffic! And also, it’sagame!A coloring book that is perfect for smaller children. Learnaboutthe world while playing this game. Have fun drawing cars. It’sjustlike with paper! You can even paint your own background!With this fun game for children and kids, you can learn abouttheworld while playing and drawing cars. It’s a matchbox that youcanuse, like a toy or a tool. Just start drawing and use thecrayonsin the game. This is fun for the whole family includingparents andchildren. Choose YOUR color!Features of this great coloring book:- Android phone / tablet compatible- High resolution friendly- Select colors: red, blue, green, yellow, pink and alltheothers- Select brushes, pen, pencil, paintbrush, crayon- Save image / picture / foto / pic to your gallery- Undo, erase and delete
Histaminintoleranz 1.0
* Ihre App bei Histaminintoleranz* Basiert auf der schweizer (SIGHI)* Über 350 klassifizierte Einträge* Favoriten zum Einkauf speichern* Immer unterwegs die Liste dabei“Histaminintoleranz” ist Ihre App, um unbeschwert mit IhrerUnverträglichkeit zu leben. Basierend auf der werden über 350 Grundnahrungsmittel,Zusatzstoffe, Gewürze und Zubereitungen präsentiert und nach ihrerVerträglichkeit mit einem simplen Ampelsystem klassifiziert.Histaminfreie, histaminarmehistaminhaltige Nahrungsmittel werdenzum Nachschlagen und Einkaufen bei Histaminunverträglichkeiteinfach und mobil präsentiert. Sie können bspw. auch Rezepte oderVerpackungen im Supermarkt einfach auf ihre Verträglichkeitüberprüfen (Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise unten zur individuellenAusgestaltung jeder Histaminunverträglichkeit.)Funktionen und Inhalte:* Lebensmittel nach Kategorien präsentiert und durchsuchbar:Tierisch, Pflanzlich, Pilze, Getränke, Gewürze, Süßungsmittel,Zusatzstoffe und Zubereitungen.* Klassifizierung der Nahrungsmittel nach Kategorien:histaminhaltig, Histaminliberator, Blocker der DAO oder anderebiogene Amine* Suchfunktion für Lebensmittel und Stichworte in der App* Favoritenfunktion, um Ihre Liebelingsnahrungsmittel abzuspeichernund leicht wiederzufinden* Kommentarfunktion, um Lebensmittel zusätzlich zukommentieren* Zusatzinformationen zur Histaminintoleranz (HIT)* Regelmäßige UpdatesDie Liste ist nicht nur für die Histamin-Intoleranz(=enzymatische (DAO-)Abbaustörung, Histamin-Unverträglichkeit, oderHistaminose) anwendbar, sondern auch bei einigenMastzellerkrankungen wie dem Mastzellaktivitätssyndrom MCAS odersystemischer Mastozytose, die ebenfalls eine Histaminoseverursachen.Zu beachten:Welche die zu meidenden Nahrungsmittel sind, ist beiHistaminintoleranz sehr viel schwieriger zu beantworten als beianderen Unverträglichkeiten. Der Übergang zwischen verträglich undunverträglich ist fliessend und von der verzehrten Menge abhängig,so dass keine scharfe Abgrenzung möglich ist. Auch ist dieVerträglichkeit ein Stück weit individuell und von vielen Faktorenabhängig. Je nach individueller Empfindlichkeit müssen folglichnicht alle Betroffenen die genau gleiche und gleich strikte Diäteinhalten.Wichtiger Hinweis zu GesundheitsthemenBei den Symptomen, die durch ein Ungleichgewicht zwischenanfallendem Histamin und Histaminabbau verursacht werden, handeltes sich um unspezifische Symptome, für die auch viele anderemögliche Ursachen in Frage kommen. Diese App eignet sich deshalbnicht zur Selbstdiagnose und kann einen Arztbesuch nicht ersetzen,sondern bestenfalls ergänzende Informationen anbieten. Sie solltenInformationen aus dieser App niemals als alleinige Quelle fürgesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungen verwenden.HaftungsausschlussDie in der App angebotenen Informationen sind nach bestem Wissenund Gewissen zusammengestellt worden. Irrtümer sind möglich, da essich um eine komplexe Materie und um noch neues, nicht gesichertesWissen handelt. Obwohl eine wachsende Internetgemeinschaft ständigan ihrer Verbesserung arbeitet, können Nahrungsmittel falschklassifiziert und Beiträge falsch sein und möglicherweise sogargesundheitsgefährdende Empfehlungen enthalten. Die Autoren der Appund Betreiber der Website lehnen deshalbjede Haftung für die Richtigkeit, Aktualität und Vollständigkeitder Informationen und aller daraus entstandenen Schäden,Folgeschäden und sonstiger Nachteile ab. Das Geltendmachen vonAnsprüchen jeglicher Art ist ausgeschlossen.Quelle: Heinz Lamprecht, Schweizerische InteressengemeinschaftHistamin-Intoleranz (SIGHI), www.histaminintoleranz.chGut für:Histamin und Histamine, Intoleranz und Symptome, Allergie undhistaminintolerant, HIT und SIGHI, Shop Rezepte und Supermarkt.* Your app with histamineintolerance* Based on the Swiss expert community* Over 350 classified items* Save favorites for Shopping* Always OnTheSnow list "Histamine intolerance" is your app to live carefree with yourintolerance. Based on the expert website over350 basic food additives, spices and preparations are presented andclassified according to their compatibility with a simple trafficlight system. Free histamine, histamine-containing foodshistamine-poor are presented simply and mobile for looking andshopping with histamine intolerance. You can, for example, evenrecipes or packaging at the grocery store simply check theircompatibility (Please note the information below for eachindividual design histamine intolerance.)Features and content:* Food presented and searchable by category: Beastly, Plants,Fungi, beverages, spices, sweeteners, additives andpreparations.* Classification of foods by category: histaminhaltig,Histaminliberator, blockers of DAO or other biogenic amines* Search for food and keywords in the app* Favorites function to save your love Ling food and easy tofind* Comment function to annotate foods in addition* Additional information on histamine intolerance (HIT)* Regular updatesThe list is not only for the histamine intolerance (= enzyme(DAO) degradation disorder, histamine intolerance, or Histaminosis)applicable, but also in some mast cell diseases such as mast cellactivity syndrome MCAS or systemic mastocytosis, also cause aHistaminosis.Please note:What are the Foods to Avoid, is much more difficult to answer withhistamine intolerance than other incompatibilities. The transitionbetween compatible and incompatible is fluid and depends on theamount consumed, so that no sharp distinction is possible. Thecompatibility is a bit more individual and depends on many factors.Depending on the individual sensitivity therefore do not complywith the exact same and the same strict diet all concerned. Important note on health issues The symptoms caused by an imbalance between accumulating histamineand histamine degradation, is non-specific symptoms, which are alsoused for many other possible causes. Why this app is not forself-diagnosis and can not replace a doctor's visit, but at bestoffer complementary information. You should never use informationfrom this app as the sole source for health relateddecisions. Disclaimer The information provided in the app have been compiled to the bestof my knowledge and belief. Mistakes are possible, since it is acomplex matter and to still new, not certain knowledge. Although agrowing Internet community is constantly working on itsimprovement, food may be misclassified and Contributions wrong andmay even contain harmful recommendations. The authors of the appand operator of the website thereforeaccept any liability for the accuracy, currency and completeness ofthe information and all damages, consequential damages and otherdisadvantages resulting therefrom reject. The assertion of claimsof any kind is excluded.Source: Heinz Lamprecht, Swiss Association histamine intolerance(Sighi), www.histaminintoleranz.chGood for:Histamine and histamine intolerance and symptoms, allergy andhistamine intolerant, HIT and Sighi, Store recipes andsupermarket.
Ninja Game 1.0
Prepare for battle as you face off enemyninjas in these deadly ninja games.Are you light on your feet and can defy gravity? Then thisgratis ninja game is for you. Prepare for adventure, competitionand karate - the trademark of ninja games. Expert at jump and run,ninjas make the most difficult foes. Every ninja game entailsaction. Use judo and beat the clumsy ninja. Be like Karate Kid andwin the tournament. Action games are for ninja fans like you!Use your ninja samurai and ninja stars to take down enemy ninjawarriors in this ancient Japan setting. You got ninja weapons tochoose from so make sure to go for an upgrade.Move with the wind like the ninja you are. Cling to walls andcollect gold coins. But be careful with the spikes, sir, and duckthe enemy’s shurikens.Shoot enemy ninja warriors and destroy all warriors who are outto spoil the fun. Each ninja has different powers so good luck!Are you ready for a real ninja game? Are ninja games somethingthat entices your adventurous side? Jump, throw stars, destroyninjas and fight powerful bosses.You will be a ninja warrior in this ninja game. In the arsenalyou have shurikens, knives and ability to teleport. You have to bevery quick and you have to destroy all the enemy ninjas. You willalso need to use the teleport. Beware of spikes. You can alwaysdefy gravity and cling to walls.The games have begun! Ninja warriors, get ready for thetournament. Ninja game starts now! Be the best and beat them all.Make ninja hattori a fan, beat out the enemy clans. Win the ninjagames so you can go fishing right after. Your quest to be the bestninja has started.Ninja games are here to make your day!
Army of One – Soldiers Battle 1.0
Are you a fan of movies like Terminator,Android Apocalypse or I, Robot? Then, this game Army of One –Soldiers battle would be a fun thrilling game for you! You will getthe chance of experiencing being an army or becoming one of thesoldiers of war fighting against killer robots of the modern age.This game is a battle between humans and robots. Soldiers aretrained to battle against the ultimate killer of humanity which isthe robots. You will have the chance of becoming the frontlinecommando of the team of soldiers who will fight alone for survival.You can choose from three different mini doodle army characters.The background setting and sound effects are realistic and like ofthose in the world war period. It will spice up to the thrill andexcitement a gamer could feel. This game is mainly about the humansoldiers or army vs the killer robots of the new age. This gameportrays a clash of humans and robots.In order to win this game of war, you must come up with adefense mechanism that will help you defeat the empire of robots.You need to apply all the things you have learned from joining themilitary. You must be brave enough for you to win in the modernwarfare. You are required to be ready anytime for war because therobots are just waiting for a good time to attack. For you tosurvive the attack of robots, you need an extraordinary gun thatcould kill any kinds of robots. The reason for fighting is todefend your home land and your fellow men. You need to be a realman of steel for you to become a hero and save the world from robotinvasion. You should be as hard as iron to win the battle. Thiswars-of-the-world kind of game will definitely urge the fighterinside you.In this game, you will be a soldier of war trained to combatagainst the kingdoms of robots. You need to overcome the attacktechniques being set up by the robots. There are also obstacles youneed to pass through. You will not riding on anything neither aunicorn, you just need to run and move fast. You must be attentiveand quick in order for you not to be hit by the robots. During thebattle, you can use your extraordinary gun that can shoot fire tothe robots. If there is a robot that will come near you, shoot itimmediately before it can harm you. As an army, you need to attackthe robots correctly so it will not end you up being defeated.Attack them as much as you could. Become a great army of war anduse all the knowledge you have in order to kill them all. Bringthem down and save the world.This lite game is full of action and adventure. This is a typeof game that is as best as your favorite zombie/zombies games,simulator or world war games. This game is comparable to online 3Dgames because it is full of excitement and fun. Download and playthis free game now to enjoy a thrilling and exciting playingexperience!
Archaic Tombs – Zombie Game 1.0
Halloween is fast approaching! Are you readyto experience the horror feeling again? When Halloween comes, wealways hear about the scary things like zombies or the walkingdead, evil pumpkins, spooky ghost stories, haunted house and manymore. Kids, boys and girls, are always excited for Halloweenbecause they usually go to a salon to get a scary make up and getdress up with Halloween costumes. Children really love the ‘Trickor Treat’ tradition. That is why this new awesome game was createdfor. You will not be scared anymore because in this game, you willbe the one who will play as the scary creature.Archaic Tombs – Zombie game will trigger your imagination andwill bring you to Zombieville. Zombieville is the place wherezombies reign. It is a farm full of walking dead creatures. Thereare many zombies in this place so beware! Soldiers are always onthe go fighting with these zombies. They are always on war withthese walking dead creatures. They want to overkill them so theywill no longer exist. But zombies are not that easy to defeat. Evenif you are a hunter and good in shooting, you still cannot bringthese walking zombies down easily. Yes they are dead, but they arenot stupid. They love black and live in the dark which most peoplehate. Soldiers always call for war vs these walking creaturesbecause they want to save the world against these killercreatures.Archaic Tombs – Zombie game is a different edition. It is notthe typical kind of game as you might think. You will not play asthe hero in this game. You are not one of the soldiers or army or asuperhero. Instead, you will be the zombie yourself. Surprising yetsounds exciting, isn’t it? This game is not 3D but plays in anawesome HD graphics with realistic sound effects that will stiryour senses and imagination. There are three zombie characters tochoose from. Each zombie has its own unique weapon and you are freeto select from any of them.Archaic Tombs – Zombie game is a lite mini game full of excitingand thrilling challenges. In this game, you will play as the zombieand you need to battle with the soldiers who are trying to killyou. You need to come up with a defense mechanism that will preventthem from killing you. This game is full running and a battlebetween you as a walking dead zombie against the soldiers. You willrun in the road where you will encounter many soldiers with gunsand shooting towards you. Using the weapon you have, you will shootback to them and defeat as many soldiers as you can. These soldiersare really angry with you and will assault you if they will have achance. So don’t give them even a tiny chance of captivating youbecause if you will, the thrilling and exciting journey as awalking zombie of yours will end. You need to be a pro in hittingthem. It is them that should defeat and not the other way around.Live longer and get a higher score!Archaic Tombs – Zombie game is one of the games that will surelythrill your Halloween more and will not let a single hour passboringly. This game is a blast of exciting adventures and action.So what are you for? Download this enjoyable game now!
Cowboys Wild West Game 1.0
This Cowboys Wild West game is one of thegames that will let you experience a lot of gun shooting orshootout, challenging horse ride, face to face duel with enemies,war in the desert, showing off of rodeo skills and other thingsrelated to cowboys. You can choose from different characters likecowboys, sheriff and Indians.This game will make you feel the thrill of being an outlaw. Tryhow to live in the desert with the Indians of the Wild West,portraying the skill of a cowboy in a shootout with a pistol gunand a lasso on hand in a rodeo style. Feel the Wild West essencewhile playing because you will see bulls, cows, horses, pony,tepee, saloons, Sioux, sheriff riding on a pony, infantry of men inbarefoot ready to face the battle of the world, and many more.You need to ride and fight like cowboys do in order to get ahigh score. You will fight in a surrounding which is Wild Westtheme inspired. Like one of the military or an army, you need tokill all enemies and criminals that will come your way. You canalso try being a gamble criminal that is an expert of gold rushbeing chased by a sheriff with a gun on hand. Meet and greet withthe Indians on a horse ride while showing off your Buffalo Bill orrodeo skills. Impress others to become one of the Sioux of theIndians. Like cowboys who are rodeo in nature, ride on a horseexpertly and compete with a sheriff, criminal or Indians. You canbe a sheriff too who can chase and kill all the criminals while ona horse ride, with a lasso and a gun. This is one of the best worldbattle games you can play on because it has World War 2 likegraphics with realistic sound effects that will provoke everyplayer to play and play more. Show off the rodeo inside you! Enjoythe desert of the Wild West! Feel like a hero in a movie or a book.Become an fps in your own way while playing this exciting war game.Complete a mission to get a high score and coins. Every missioncompleted is a great achievement, so play this game well to getmore achievements. No need for cowboy toy anymore because you canplay this game for gratis.
Age of Ice Game 1.0
Ever seen a rainforest full of wild,endangered and extinct animals and species running around andthrowing fire at will? Welcome to Extinct Animals: Age of Ice Game!The Extinct Animals Ice Age Game features rare species of animalssuch as prehistoric dinosaur, the extinct mammoth and the dangeroustiger. Experience the danger of early times; be at your best andfight for your survival. This new game will surely keep your wildside alive!This Age of Ice Game is cool! Title says it already, right? Coolas ice! The object of the Age of Ice game is to go past differentlevels and unlock the rest of the wild animals like the snow beast.Early men like Neanderthal and Sapient will be there to challengeyou as they know you are one, dangerous wildlife! As you are awild, extinct and endangered animal, early men will be out there tofight with you to survive. This Age of Ice Game is a survival ofthe fittest. Be ready to kill, to fight and prepare for war. Youdon’t want to face extinction anytime soon!The game will make you feel like exploring prehistoric times.Feels like being in the North Pole, to the era of the extinct, wildand endangered species. It is a time when dangerous animals walkthe earth and early men battle for survival. The danger lurks evendown to the South Pole. No cave is safe to hide with these wild,extinct and endangered species lurking around. So show up, tellthem who is more dangerous!If you enjoy the movie Jurassic Park this Ice Age Game isdefinitely suited for you! Bring out the dino in you! Be at largelike the endangered mammoth species! Fight for dear life in theNorth Pole! Survive and win the game!
Soldier Boys in Zombieland 1.0
Deadly Zombies Horror Shooting Game on theGraveyard and in Zombieland* Zombies!!!! They are here! Coming from Zombieland and takingover the world.* Kill your enemies and win the game! Make them go back where theycame from.* Collect hidden treasures and take over Zombieland back from thezombies-Beware of this crazy zombie game with tons of zombieseverywhereRun through the scary landscape and fight your enemies, shoot thezombies.Avoid obstacles and collect coins. Find your way throughZombieland.Have fun with this entertaining game!-Features:* Endless gameplay* Amazing graphics* Exciting music and sound effectsdead,kill-ing,scary,movie-s,book,film,plants,games,play,walk-ing,jump,run,gun,wars,race,island,shoot
Gold Mine: Digger of Doom 1.0
You are the digger in this game and you haveto direct your little miner to dig, quarry and explore gold mine indark underground. Every adventure stage will have a gold mine goalthat you must achieve and monsters you have to fight. If your mineworker collected the gold that adds up to your goal then you moveon to the next stage.Gold mine digger offers a lot of variety in its game playthough. There will be numerous pitfalls. The underground digger ofgold in the game has to reel in. Naturally, there are monsters toshoot and you have to jump and run throwing dynamite and TNT’sinside the tunnel. Light your magic torch to lead your miner in thedigging under ground or below surface of Earth.A digger of gold, crystal and precious metal mine explorationunderground will take forever and a day to haul but will worth muchmore cash in the end while the smaller pieces will fly towards youalong with the monsters at light speed but be worth very little.Still, the trade off is fair and worth it. A single large goldnugget underground can often win the whole stage for you so go forthe big ones first if you can. While hauling, beware of the orepieces and especially the large ones because are worth squat andwill take up time. The mystery bags in the game are crazy andsometimes worth the risk since they haul in fast. Diamonds are thebest though. Worth a lot of money but easy to haul in. Go for theseright away at any cost.It is every little boy dreams to fight monsters and be a diggerof gold mine underground. Battle beast monsters that want you tofail from your goal. Live in fantasy and be a solver of mystery inthe kingdom. Help the castle fight it’s doom in this game.
Heli War! RC Helicopter Game 1.0
This Helicopter Game is a game of flying skillin an action war game. To play Helicopter Game, hold your controlto keep the rc helicopter in the air. There are many kinds of rcheli to choose from like black hawk that you can fly like a propilot. If you let go, your apache aircraft will free fall and godown and lose the war game.There are other jets flying by that you have to avoid. If youare flying and hold the remote control button too long, it will beflying too high and hit the top of the cave or other areas in thebattlefield. You need skills and practice to try to achieve balanceand fly your helicopter to safety against the many obstacles thatwill appear on your way in this fun war game. Heli War! HelicopterGame is a war game for one player where you fly a Comanchehelicopter through a maze of different obstacles that havedifficulty level as you progress. This version is the most popularof other kiowa helicopter games, being very easy to operate and hasminimal difficulty.Heli War! Helicopter Game graphics are very simple with WorldWar 2, but the colors are realistic and the flying sound makes thegame even more exciting. It's very enjoyable and players love toplay because they want to win this war game by playing it over andover for hours. The goal of the game is to get the copter throughthe runway and different obstacles in the sky will appear. Youshould be able to fly the rc heli as far as you can withoutcrashing into anything.You cannot come into contact with other rc helicopters and jetsor you'll crash and lose the game. What makes the rc heli game moreexciting is there are also shooting obstacles along the way thatyou must avoid like rockets, other airplanes and race to collecttreasures.
War Game – Soldier Shooting 1.0
The gameplay of War Games focuses on soldiersshooting in different territory, using different weapons throughoutthe game. It features quick time events that require the player tocomplete various actions to defeat stronger enemies in the army.The player can choose different tactics to attack and differentcombat options. It is a challenging game where there are alsodifferent platforms to make the element of the game morechallenging.Different territories require the player to climb walls, jump overrocks to move across to be able to proceed through sections of thegame. Some levels are simple, so that the player can use simpleskills to jump, run and avoid the enemy. The challenge is someobstacles are difficult to jump over with normal jumping, butothers are more complex, such as finding several items acrossdifferent areas of the game to unlock special powers. Only theskilled and brave will move on to the next level.This game has great graphics that create an exciting war game withsounds of battle to make the game more exhilarating. Oncomingbattles with an assortment of weapons will make better chances ofsuccess for every attack.Throughout the War Game, the player encounters different enemieswith  fast-paced action and exploration. There are weapons andspecial powers that allow more power for your character. If you canuse your character’s skills properly, you will have the ability tomove to the next level and battle against a differentarmy. 
Hero Journey – Knight’s Quest 1.0
Have you read a book about the medieval agewhen hero knights exist? How about a story about wizards, magicianscasting spells using their wands, and dragons? Sounds interesting,isn’t it? We usually see in the movies that knights are consideredheroes because they protect the kingdom and the castle where theybelong. Hero Knights fight against the dark-minded people that willtry to abduct the kingdom or castle of their king and queen. HeroKnights are the army of the royal castle or kingdom. They are thesoldiers of war who are willing to sacrifice their lives just toprotect their beloved kingdom or castle.The epic stories about Hero Knights are real. They are brave andangry towards injustice. They are men who always wear armor andhave a sword which blade is sharp. Hero Knights are also good inarchery and are considered legends in the world history offighting. They have good defense strategy and always ready forwars. Hero knights are ready every day to fight for battle. Theyare as swift as the wind and as strong as a storm. Do not try tocapture the princess of their castle or the lord of their kingdombecause they will rescue them for sure and death will be yoursanction for the crime committed.Hero Journey – Knight’s Quest game will let you experience howto become a Hero Knight. You will have the chance to experience howchallenging it is to be a hero knight and see for yourself howamazing the quest of a hero knight is. This game will stimulateyour imagination. This game plays with HD graphics, colorfulbackground setting and realistic sound effects that will spice upmore your imagination while playing. Children, boys and even girls,will surely enjoy playing this game because of the colorful set upand cute looking characters. This game is as good as those 3D gamesavailable in the market. It is full of fun and adventure. You willlearn something while playing.Hero Journey – Knight’s Quest is a game about clash of heroknights vs zombie knights. In this game, you will play as the heroknight who will fight against the zombie knights. You will attackthem using the sword you have. During your quest, there will be alot of distractions that will come your way so be ready to defendyourself. A lot of obstacles are waiting for you during your quest.There are bats, other creatures and of course, the zombie knightsthat will block your way. Bring the empire of the walking dead downor else you will be the one who they will bring down. Be sure toremain undead for you to continue your hero knight journey. Playlike a pro and defeat all of your enemies. There are coins thatwill show up during your quest, so gather as many coins as you canfor a higher score.This Hero Journey – Knight’s Quest is one of the games that willsurely make your free time full of thrill and fun. Download thisgame immediately and enjoy it for gratis!
Battle Soldier - Jungle Game 1.0
Battle Soldier - Jungle Game is an action gamewhere you will go through the dangerous jungle and defeat all themonsters and win the game. This battle game will bring out thesoldier in you.Soldiers will explore the jungle and collect crystals for power upsor weapon upgrade. Make sure all monsters are defeated in battle.The jungle is a big place to explore. Be ready, soldier. Theenemies are on the loose at all times in this jungle game.The world needs you soldier! The jungle battle is about tohappen so call the troops and start to battle in this jungle game.Fight for survival. Your duty is to win and stop the monsters. Theenemy army is on its way to the jungle! Rally the soldiers andprepare for battle. This is history in the making! Battle Soldier -Jungle game is definitely a call of duty for all soldiers outthere!Know the mission and take flight! Use your combat skills andfire those rockets away. Make sure to call Special Forces andplunge into action. This jungle battle game will bring out thevigor in you so take hold of your rocket launcher and fire thosemissiles and win the game.Grab those heavy guns and be ready to battle with out of theseworld monsters that are destroying the jungle. Jump and run whileshooting down the enemy. Be careful, you are on the firingline.This game is like a war zone where the soldiers fight and battleto win the war. It is quite similar to Special Forces who combatenemy troops. It is a call of duty that every soldier dreams of.Like the world war, you will combat with enemy monsters. Make sureto bring the entire army and hunt down the enemy’s lair. That willsurely help you win the fight as you start to battle the rest ofthe enemy‘s army. Heed the call of your mission. Your duty is tofight and drive them away.
Car Race - Tropical Arrest 1.0
Car Race – Tropical Arrest is a game that isfull of thrill, excitement and fun. In this game, you will act asone of the police riding on a high speed car. You will race in theasphalt street, driving in a fast and furious way. The setting ofthis game is in a tropical place. You can see the beach and palmtrees at the side of the road. Using your police auto car, you needto race with other cars in the highway. You need be good in racingin order to win. You must be a good racer and know how use to yourrace car competitively. As a driver who has the need for speed, youmust know how to handle your hot wheels and play the game withextreme care. Just like in games, Formula 1 and Nascar, there arealso car options for this game. There 3 different types of cars tochoose from which you will surely love to try each one of it. Thegame is in HD graphics so you will definitely enjoy playing thisawesome racing game.This is not just a typical car racing game. Aside from beinggood at driving, you must also good at parking. You should driveefficiently in order to be an achiever in this game. When the racestarts, you must do a sprint of your car and at the same time doyour best to avoid the obstacles along the way. There are also fastmoving cars, bike, kart or motorbike that will be blocking your wayso you need to move fast and surely. You need to duel with thosefast moving autos that will possibly block the driving way.Additionally, of course an auto car has an engine that needs to berefilled every time with fuel. So along the race, there are fueltank figures that you must pass through in order for your engine tobe filled again and get full. An auto’s motor will not run well ifyou don’t have a full tank, so you better be good at handling thewheel for you to get all the fuels that will show up during therace. There are also busted or damaged cars along the road thatmight also block the part of the road you are driving at. If youare not able to avoid them, you get crash while driving and yourracing journey might come to an end. So you be better stay focuswhile on the race for you to be able to continue your journey inthis car racing game. For you to win and have a high score in thiscar race game, you are required to be a good driver and must learnsome effective techniques that will help you become successful inthe auto race.This car racing game is as awesome as those 3d and simulatorgames that you have already played on. This game is fully packedwith action and adventure. Boredom can’t be felt while playing thisfree car racing game. So what are you waiting for? Download thisgame now!
Bike Race – Motorcycle Racing 1
It’s a fun day to bike and race! The fans ofHarley will certainly love this Bike Race – Motorcycle racing game.Each and every motorbike fellow or perhaps girl fanatic may come tosome extent in which they are going to yearn for a need for speedand go on a race. Naturally there is no need to ride a realmotorbike or a vehicle to obtain a sense for racing. You can justenjoy various bike race and also motorcycle racing games. Getbehind the steering wheel and be the rider of your personalmotorbike.Motorcycle racing and bike racing games have grown to beextremely popular. Nowadays, there are already 3d and HD games thatyou can play and a bike race game and a motorcycle race game arenot exemptions. Several of the widely used bikes racing games aremoto-cross, dirt bike, and moped motorcycle racing games.Additionally there is a game where you take your motor-cycle andyou get away from police forces through the highway.In a bike race game, you just need to bring your motor and speedvia each route and get to the end line. Be the best in every bikerace and motorcycle race. There is nothing more pleasurable thatfeeling the breeze hit your skin while you race yet the next mostdesirable feature is playing the game of motorbike racing or bikeracing.A bike race or a motorbike race is a sport appreciated by everyage or gender. Motorcycle racing be it for real or within a videogame leads to awareness and enjoyment.
Samurai Warriors Night 1.0
Seeking for some thrill and action? Want to belike the power rangers or the ninja turtles but doesn’t know whatto do? The warrior inside you is seeking for some thrill fight andthis Samurai Warriors Night game will fulfill you with extremeexcitement and thrill. This game’s plot is based on the ancientJapan and China’s great ninja legendary stories. This game is alsoinspired by East Asia’s greatest types of martial arts like aikido,kendo and taekwondo. All in all, this game is as epic as ‘The LastSamurai’ and ‘Karate Kid’ films.The Samurai Warriors Night game is packed with action andadventure just like the popular Shinobi game. As one of thewarriors, you need to be good in using a sword. Unlike in the fruitninja game, you will not have a sensei who will be teaching you.You will fight against your enemies using your own techniques andcapabilities. You must not be a clumsy ninja warrior or else youwill end up losing against your enemies. You need to combatyourself and get ready for battle. You need to siege your enemies’territory, kill and bring them all down.Samurai ninja warriors are tough, vigilant, brave andaggressive. For you to be a winner in this game, you need to befull of abilities just like a mutant. Ninja warriors are greatfighters and know how to defeat well their enemies using theirsharp swords. This game plays in HD graphics with realistic soundseffects that spices up the game. The game’s setup is not in thestreet but in a dark deserted place that is full of mysteries tounveil. This ninja saga game will provoke your imagination andawaken the fighter inside you. You will play as one of the ninjawarriors who will fight against the dark evil ninja warriors. Thedark ninja warriors prepared a lot of pitfalls for you so be awarefor you not to be trapped or killed. They will come to you ridingon a dragon spitting fire. You need to be fast enough to avoid itand you must come up with a best defense mechanism for you not tobe defeated. Kill and slice the dragon using your samurai, chop andslice every enemy that will come near you. This game is full ofjump and run thrilling challenges that will convert your boringhours into something fun and exciting!This game will make you forget your beloved ninja toys. This isthe kind game which is as fun as sports game and as thrilling asthose racing games. So what are you waiting for, download thisabsolutely free game now!
Arsenic Army Soldier Rebellion 1.0
Arsenic Army Soldier Rebellion is not just anordinary battle game. This game talks about rebellion and how therebels defeated their enemies using their high technology weapons.This war game will let you feel the heat of Vietnam War and anyother world war situations. Just like what you can see in a movieor read on a book, an army soldier is always ready to fight. In themilitary, soldiers are trained thoroughly so they will be good notjust in shooting but also in fighting, so they will be able todefeat their enemies even without a weapon. This game is not aboutmonsters but rather about humans who had become monsters infighting. This battle game will let you witness the New Age way offighting, in which the fighters have their high-tech weapons thatare made to kill and defeat their enemies. Experience the thrilland excitement in this game for gratis!Arsenic Army Soldier Rebellion game’s setup is in the jungle,where you can see a monkey or an ape eating a banana, Donkey kong,crocodile, and other more animals. There are also caves andvolcanoes spitting lava. But as an army soldier, you are not in thejungle for some sightseeing or treasure hunting. You are in thejungle to fight and destroy the temple of your enemies. In thisbattle game, you will be play as an army soldier and you need tofight for survival in the jungle. You need to combat yourself andbring a gun with you. Your enemies have their tank and machineswith them so you must equip yourself some high technology weaponsalso to win the battle. You have nothing to worry though becauseyou are under the protection of FPS. In this jungle battle game,you must be a fair killer and a sharp shooter. Kill only yourenemies and aim at your target well, for you to succeed in thisgame.During the game, there is a lot of pitfall prepared for you sobe prepared! You have no chance to desert the land if there are alot of enemies on your way, there are no turning backs – so bebrave and prepared enough to fight in the jungle. You need to knowthe info of your enemies first before racing into their territorybecause once they have captured you, flight will not be possible.As an army soldier, all you need to do is fight expertly using theweapons you have. If you want to be a winner in this battle game,you need to be courageous enough to fight and kill all enemies thatwill come your way. Avoid all the pit fires for you not to be dead.There will be no one in the jungle that will help you but yourself.This battle game will teach you how to be independent and willawaken the fighter inside you.You will surely enjoy this jungle battle game because it playsin HD graphics and has realistic sound effects that add more thrilland excitement to the game. This game will let you experience howit is to be an army soldier and how it feels to fight in thejungle. So, what are you waiting for? Download this exciting gamenow, for free!
Acid Wars: Soldiers of Justice 1.0
Be the soldier of justice and rid the streetsof villains. Get ready for battle and choose your toxic weapon.Acid Wars: Soldiers of Justice is here! The war game begins now!There are soldiers of justice to choose from to help you win thebattle. This is street wars; the only way to win the battle is toshoot down all the criminals by using your acid gun. These villainsare tough to beat so you need acid as your weapon of choice.Justice must be served. Win the war game.Acid Wars: Soldiers of Justice war game is a cool game to play. Youwill feel like you are in battle with the enemies of the DesertStorm times. Lead your army and win the battle. Be careful with youacid gun, it is one tough weapon of choice. An army of villains isout there to stop you from serving justice. Win the battle at allcost! Rally the soldiers of justice, lead the army to victory andsay the phrase “justice is served”!Acid Wars: Soldiers of Justice is easy and fun to play. Win thebattle is the goal of the game. You can win the war game by leadingyour army across the streets of criminals and bringing them all tojustice. Your army awaits your orders, lead them to battle anddominate the street wars. Engage your enemies in a war game andshow the how justice is given to bad people.Pack up your weapon and lead the way, Soldier. Make sure novillain will get away from the streets of chaos. Jump and run yourway across the toxic streets and win the battle. Soldiers ofJustice always win. Drive them all away with your toxic weapon andbe the bearer of justice. It is time to show these villains who isthe soldier of justice!
Knight’s Quest – Medieval Game 1.0
The princess is in danger. The fate of thekingdom is in your hands. As the Knight, you will have to kill themonsters and defeat the dragon. Be wary of dark magic as well.Prepare your sword and armor Knight, protect the castle and getready to embark on the adventure full of magic and fantasy. This isKnight’s Quest – Medieval Game!As the Knight, you will embark on a quest to save the castle andyour kingdom from dark magic. The castle is under attack frommonsters! Use your sword, seek the Wizard of Oz for magic! Wow,ain’t this medieval game a great one? Get those diamonds andupgrade your armor as you prepare to clash with the orc! Medievaltimes really rock! By the way, get ready Knight, an evil Diabloawaits you. Your quest just became harder and harder! Never fear asyou are the Hero that will save the King’s castle from thisbattle.This rpg medieval game is full of fantasy and magic. It remindsme of King Arthur and the Templar. Your fate depends on completingyour quest, valiant Knight. Your kingdom depends on you! Battle themonsters and save the castle. Protect your kingdom at all cost! TheMagician will aid you in your quest to protect the castle. Usemagic to battle the dark forces.The Knight’s Quest – Medieval Game lets you be the Knight whowill be the protector of his kingdom and to hold the fort, that is,to keep the castle safe from the enemies. Beware of the dragon, itis hiding somewhere. You will get additional magic once you findthe dragon. It is a part of the quest. The adventure just makesthis game worth playing!Hurry valiant Knight, your quest awaits. Save the castle andrescue the kingdom!
Bike Racing - Motorcycle Race 1.0
Harley bikes enthusiasts will surely likethisBike Racing – Motorcycle race game. Every guy or even girlwillcome to a point where they will hunger for a need for speed.Ofcourse you do not have to ride an actual bike or a car to getafeel for this. You can just play different bike race andmotorcyclerace games. Get behind the wheel and be the rider of yourownmotor-bike.Motorcycle racing and bike racing games have become verypopular.These days, there are already 3d and HD games that you canplay anda bike race game and a motorcycle race game are notexemptions. Someof the more popular bike racing games aremoto-cross, dirt bike, andmoped motorcycle racing games. There isalso a game where you bringyour motor-cycle and you run away frompolice via the highway.In a bike race game, you just have to bring your motor andspeedthrough each course and reach the finish line. Be the best ineverybike race and motorcycle race. There is nothing more funthatfeeling the breeze hit your skin while you race but the nextbestthing is playing the game of motorcycle racing or bikeracing.A bike race or a motorcycle race is a game enjoyed by everyageor gender. Motorcycle racing be it for real or within a gamebringsinterest and fun.
Androids Robot Soldiers 1.0
Androids Robot Soldiers game will surelyminglethe minds of those who are fan of android robots and alsothose whowant to be soldiers someday. If a soldier is converted toan androidrobot you will have an Android Robot Soldier in resultand that isamazing, right? Do you want to experience being one ofthe AndroidRobot Soldiers? That’s not a problem anymore becausethis game willlet you experience the fun, thrill and adventure ofbeing one.This Androids Robot Soldiers game is inspired by movieslike‘RoboCop’ and ‘Iron Man’. Becoming a soldier is not as easy asyouthink. It is not just wearing a combat and bringing a gunorweapons with you. Being part of the military is not an easyjob.You need to train yourself well to become competitive inshooting,boxing and fighting. You need to be brave in enough to bein thebattlefield, become a hero of the world and defend humanity.Evenif you fight with your troop and are not the captain, youstillneed to be great enough to survive the battle because yourcaptainwill just lead you. He is not the key for your survival.Youyourself are the one handling your fate in the battle. You donotown a steel body so you must know great defense techniquestodefend yourself while in the war. Android robots were madetoexistence because of this. Soldiers were made to become halfhumanand half android robots so they will not be defeated easily.Theirbodies were turned into android robots, covered with realsteel,shiny as a mirror, and hard enough to shield their humanbody. Theycan control their robotic body through their minds andhas roboticarms which gadgets or weapons are attached to. Soldiersare nowhard enough to attack because they are now half humans,halfandroid robots. And, this game will bring you to the roboticworldof android robot soldiers and let you try how it is to be oneofthem!In this game, there are three androids robot soldierscharactersto choose from and each has gadgets and weapons withthem. The gameis not 3d but has HD graphics and realistic FX soundeffects thatwill definitely spice up the game. This game is packedwithchallenges that are full of action and adventure. Therearemissions that need to be accomplished. You will be thefrontlinecommando will fight face to face vs your rivals. Like awintersoldier and as an android robot soldier, you need to put allyourbest effort in the attack. Attack and shoot every enemy thatwillcome your way. Swift as the wind, you need to attack and bringthemall down to survive. Be sure to attack them well because ifnot,your journey as an android robot soldier will come to anendeasily.Kids, teens or even adults will surely enjoy this game becauseitwill make your boring hours passed by without your knowing.Downloadthis lite and free game now! Change your boring hours intosomethingfull of fun and thrill.